Friday, February 20, 2015

Beginning of a Visit toTortuguero National Park

It has been fun to live in a rainforest for 3 days; a place that we had approach by a boat, a one hour ride through jungle rivers, large and small. We haven't seen our bus for three days. I love this living! The animals and birds are exquisite, the life is slow and nonchalant, the air is warm. We've had sun for two days here, however today it is raining as hard as it can rain.  The people here are so connected to nature and ecology, saving our Earth from pollution, caring for all living things. Waking up to the sound of Howler Monkeys in nearby trees was enchanting!

I was so happy to step foot on that boat, full of all our luggage and our group with one driver and our guide. The sounds of the river, the 4 stroke engine, and the wind whistling by my ears as we wound around bend after bend was both comforting and refreshing to this boat-loving principal.

I loved seeing the emergent layer of the rainforest that I taught my second graders about for almost 20 years during our Grade 2 "Trip Around the World."

Around one of the first bends, there was a crocodile, basking in the sun. Huge, dry-looking and docile.

This is an anhinga, related to the cormorant, therefore possibly the loon? The natives call it a snake neck. Here it is, as cormorants do, drying out its wings. Notice the look-like plumage on its upper wings.

We are staying in a place that reminds me a bit of a summer camp.  We can only get wifi in one open air pavilion, directly across from the open air dining hall, which is down the path from my room.
As we approached the boathouses and welcoming sign, I knew this would be a wonderful 3 days.


  1. Very cool, Sara! Once again, great pictures! Have fun!!

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  4. Sounds great! I would love to be away with limited WiFi.
