Wednesday, February 18, 2015

A Tribal Visit

We visited the village of the Maleku Tribe.


This is a tribe of people who are native to Costa Rica for thousands of years. Like our native people in the USA, this tribe has slowly lost land and assistance and it's people are concerned for their future. This man, one of the elders of the tribe, spoke to us of his concerns. His nephew translated for us. These women were with them, but I am not sure if they are related or not.

The land is beautiful there.

They did a celebratory dance for our group, as this man talked to the great spirit as he knelt before the campfire.

They then danced in a circle, and asked Katy White to dance with them after handing her a rain stick!

We all bought some handmade artifacts from them. It was a very new and interesting experience!


  1. What a wonderful experience! Nice pictures!

  2. You may have a new career as a photographer, Pictures are great. What an interesting experience to see and learn about their culture and history.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Love how you captured the photos of the woman's expression!

  5. Everything is so lush and green. What amazing memories you will all have. Did Katy show them her "Shake it Off" dance?

  6. Everything is so lush and green. What amazing memories you will all have. Did Katy show them her "Shake it Off" dance?
